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Inr Reading, Operation Scheduling

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GSD4ME | 21:34 Fri 29th Mar 2013 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I am going into hospital to undergo a catheter ablation to hopefully cure atrial fibrillation. I have been told my INR must be between 2 and 3 for the procedure to go ahead. A fortnight ago it was in the correct range but it has now fallen to 1.8, but the clinical scheduler said that was fine. Will they still carry out the procedure if my INR is so low? Also, who do I speak to about this? The clinical scheduler I don't believe is medically trained and my consultant is unapproachable and arrogant, dismissive of my questions to the point of rudeness and I have no confidence in asking him anything. NHS Direct I would say is only for medical 'emergency questions/advice' but I can't think of anyone else to approach. My GP is not specialised enough to advise and the date of my operation is rapidly approaching. What I do not want to happen is to trawl all the way to the Royal Brompton Hospital and for them to turn round and say that my reading is not good enough and they then send me home.


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NHS Direct isn't only for urgent queries, they are there to answer any questions you want.

Who's undertaking your operation? That would be the person to ask - someone on the admissions team should be able to help.
I am not an expert in cardiology, but your INR is a little low for cardiac ablation procedure. This will be a decision made by the consultant.
I would phone his secretary on Monday morning.
Excuse the interruption...Sqad can you look in b and s eve needs advice 're steroid injections...

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