When I stand up I have a linmp under the skin just where my belly button starts. It is about an inch and a half and quite firm to the souch. When I move my stomach (which is very flabby:( ) it stays put.
Well I spoke to the surgeons secretary (that did my bypass and remedial work) and she said not to bother seeing my doctor and to wait to see the consultant at my next appointment (mid July).
I think I'll go to the Dr anyway (or try at least lol) as it hurts when I eat :(
I went to see my Dr today (Rather luckily I rang imediately after a cancelation :) ) and it is an umbilical hernia. I am going to wait till July to see the consultant I was seeing for something else rahter than anotherr appoinment to see some random Dr.
Also I am dangeruosely anemic at the moment so he has put me on double strenght Iron tablets.