My 4 day old new granddaughter is feeding from breast ok-ish but midwife has said she has mild tongue tie and has referred her for a snip.
At what age is this done these days as Googling was confusing and produced horror stories of speech impediments as a result of early intervention which I thought was done to prevent same! She was 9lbs 9oz at birth and has lost just over 10% of birth weight.
Thanks Sqad, I knew weight loss was normal but midwife said it should be up to 10%. I was also hoping it would be done soon as I also understood that no anaesthetic was necessary.
Thanks for responding.
Sqad has, of course, answered your question but I'll just give you a hint for seeking reliable information when googling. If you simply add 'nhs' to your search terms, there's usually a direct link to what it is you want to know. In this case it immediately finds this page: