He had his cadiac rfeview last month and I've just got the notes through. It says:
Pulse rate 80bpm with good volume and bilateal femoral pulses palpable. Blood pressure was 105/70 mmHg. He has grade2/6 ejection systolic murmer of the left sternal edge.
his ECG showed sinus rythum with right bundle-branch ok pattern.
He has regular reviews. well every 18 months and yes he is doing brilliantly. He even does cross country. :)
They are going to do an exercise ECG next time.
Just wondered how the numbers stood up because on the report it said Dr whatsit had discussed the problems with me but A. she didn't and B. the bloke I saw said he was fine.
BP is normal
Slight rise in pulse rate but no big deal.
Right bundle branch block is nothing to worry about as it is almost certainly physiological ( not associated with heart disease)
Ejection systolic murmur is again nothing to worry about, considering his history of TGA.