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Daffy6543 | 18:35 Tue 22nd Apr 2014 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
How bad does your eyesight have to be for the optician to refer to hospital saying he can't do any more for the patient?
This is my youngest daughter's 4 year old son I am talking about.


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Specialist treatment there is so much advanced technology for eye disorders, don't despair he will get treated.
Opticians can only precribe glasses , some conditions require medical intervention. There is a huge range of eye treatments available from hospitals.
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Thanks for the answers. I'm just worried because he's so young and his glasses were already like coke bottle bottoms, he'd only had them a couple of months too. I have scant details at present and I hate not knowing things. Forewarned in fore armed as they say
I started of with jam jar bottom glasses now they are as thin as a sixpence bit expensive but worth it, now there are contact lens laser surgery implants etc.
It all depends what the condition is, daffy - some will need referral to an eye specialist, not all conditions can be dealt with in general optical practice.

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