ChatterBank3 mins ago
Anaemia Problem
7 Answers
I'm quite anaemic due to menorraghia...i cant take iron tablets as they make me physically i eat iron rich things where i can. My question is this....if i am so badly anaemic (dangerously the doctor said) then why does my period smell so metallic....i get why it would to someone who isnt anaemic...but why is it for apparently i dont have much iron!!!!
I can also recommend Spatone - I've been taking it for years. You can also buy it in Boots (as it can be quite expensive I buy it when they have there 3 for 2 offer on Vitamins and Minerals). I've also seen it in Tesco too and they sometimes have offers on it. They do a plain one and an apple flavoured one in Spatone iron. I had anaemia and my doc is perfectly happy for me to...
22:08 Fri 20th Jun 2014
\\\\\then why does my period smell so metallic.\\\
I have never smelt any products of menstruation, but others may have a greater experience in that "direction."
My humble opinion is that products of menstruation do not represent the amount of iron by it's............smell.
I may be wrong here....;-)
I have never smelt any products of menstruation, but others may have a greater experience in that "direction."
My humble opinion is that products of menstruation do not represent the amount of iron by it's............smell.
I may be wrong here....;-)
I cannot answer your question.
But do try natural iron as opposed to ferrous supplements which are hideous on the stomach. Eg this is a liquid option and hugely effective. I couldn't stomach ferrous either and found this to be well worth the extra cost.
http:// www.hol landand barrett .com/sh op/prod uct/spa tone-or iginal- natural -iron-s uppleme nt-6008 0131
But do try natural iron as opposed to ferrous supplements which are hideous on the stomach. Eg this is a liquid option and hugely effective. I couldn't stomach ferrous either and found this to be well worth the extra cost.
I can also recommend Spatone - I've been taking it for years. You can also buy it in Boots (as it can be quite expensive I buy it when they have there 3 for 2 offer on Vitamins and Minerals). I've also seen it in Tesco too and they sometimes have offers on it. They do a plain one and an apple flavoured one in Spatone iron. I had anaemia and my doc is perfectly happy for me to take this instead of iron tablets. As for your period smell, I would check with your doctor. Perhaps you are losing the iron you do take in, in your menstrual blood?