In my kitchen this morning, neither me or Mr F have smoked for a good few years. Neither neighbours smoke either.
This afty, at my craft class, I smelled it again, as far as I am aware, none of the ladies there smoke either.
This evening, lad 2 popped up. I could smell it again. He has NEVER smoked, and hates the smell.
Any ideas on this oddity, anyone??
Smelling non-existent odours is a well-known symptom of a brain tumour. (I've actually known someone who was diagnosed with a brain tumour after going to their doctor with problems with smell). REMEMBER WHAT I SAID THOUGH: DON'T PANIC!!!! REPEAT: DON'T PANIC!!! It's also something that affects ALMOST EVERYONE occasionally, probably due to a minor infection that might not present any other symptoms. (I've had the same thing myself, quite a few times).
So it's almost certainly 'just one of those things' but in the EXTREMELY UNLIKELY event of the problem persisting, or getting worse, do get yourself checked out by a doctor.
I get that cigarette smell sometimes and its always a precursor to sinus trouble, either from hayfever or perhaps working in dusty conditions. I use sterimar to flush out my sinusses and usually that fixes it, the odd time it develops into a full blown infection and then I need an antibiotic.
The first time i had it was just after the passing of my mother in law, who was a smoker and was around 70 miles away at the that was slightly worrying.....