>>>I think you need to be young for the heavy drinking
Oh, fond (if somewhat hazy) memories.
During our second year at college, the three of us who were in digs together (about 1½ miles from the campus) would often meet up after lectures and find that we'd got no change for the bus. The solution, of course, was provided by one of us voicing the magical abbreviation, 'QH', which meant going for a 'Quick Half' in the Nursery Tavern. Somewhat strangely, we often seemed to miss the last bus home, around 6 hours later!
These days I look forward to my three pints of real ale on a Sunday evening (with perhaps a few drinks during the week) while our little group studies the Times crossword. However, for the past month or so, I've only actually consumed just two pints on a Sunday evening.
Oh well, at least old age seems to be saving me money!