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AdriSco | 18:05 Sun 07th Jun 2015 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
My teenage nephew has been diagnosed with this, also scarring on one of his kidneys. Does anyone know anything about this condition .. I've never heard of it and googling has not helped .. worrying and confusing. Thanks.


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It just means blood in the urine.........and this has many causes.
Assuming that you have the word correctly spelled, then the commonest cause in a male teenager would be ..acute glomerulonephritis...try Googling that.
Blood (red cells) in the urine is called haematuria and is relatively common.

Haemoglobinuria on the other hand is rare. It can happen if haemoglobin, which is normally contained within the red cells, escapes into the blood stream when red cells are broken down (haemolysis) and is filtered out through the kidneys into the urine, occasionally causing damage as it does so.
There are a few causes and more information would be needed to comment - is your nephew unwell/in hospital? Is he anaemic? Is he under the care of a renal doctor or a haematologist?

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Sorry for delay in replying and thanks everyone for help. My nephew is not unwell or in hospital. He is waiting for an appointment at Alder Hey in Liverpool .. should hear in next 2 weeks. Thanks again.
Question Author
Have just googled Acute Glomerulonephritis .. seems to fit with what doctor at local hospital told my sister and brother-in-law.. Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback.

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