Please can someone put Mrs Aytee's mind at rest. She had her last cervical smear test at 49 in 2012 when they were every three years. She has received a letter saying she is due for another one now. Her question is should it be now or, because she is now over 50, in 5 years time. Thanks very much.
Yep, I agree with you and I don't see the problem myself. My view is that it is 49 then 52 then every 5 years after that. Unfortunately she sees it that it should be 49 and then 54 now that she has passed the 50 mark.
Its just the way the roster falls and the date she had her last one. my last invitation was when I was 61 so by the rules I won't get another as I will be 66 when the time comes. Time will tell if I do or not.
She doesn't HAVE to go, its up to her. I think where the the invitation dates fall a bit out of synch they prefer to send an additional invitation on the more frequent schedule.
I have to say.. if she's been offered the test... how ever soon it is..GO.. I hate them.. smear tests that is.. as Im sure most of us ladies can detect problems ..and then you can get them sorted... had my last one 2 years ago.. and my nurse told me to tell as many ladies as poss to have them.. they save lives!... deep breath Mrs Aytee.. of you go... as a reward 'praps Mr Aytee will treat you lunch x Mrs C xx
In my opinion Mrs. Aytee should just go and get it over with. Then she can relax for a few years. We all hate this examination , but it does only take a few minutes , and then feel rather smug when it's all done and dusted.
Whether she thinks it's due or not, please persuade her to go. It can be lifesaving to note changes in the cervix, however old you are (and it's seriously worrying that young women aren't attending at the moment). No doubt about it, it saves lives.
I have to say that it never bothered me having this test - I find the breast examination far more uncomfortable!
Just get it done. She will need one until she is 65. Well, that's what it is at the moment. My doctor and I were celebrating last autumn that I was 65 and so this would be the very last cervical smear (frottage, in French in case anyone wants to know) that I would have to undergo - now I hear that they want to extend the limit :( ( PS I had one every 2 years in France.)
jj its not up to me to agree or not. Its up to Mrs Aytee what she does. Mr Aytee has asked for us to give our opinions about why Mrs Aytee has been invited at three years, not whether she should go or not. I just said what I thought ie that it would have taken more than the "bribe" of lunch as a reward to get me to have a smear if I had decided no to.
Well Woofgang - you wouldn't like anything going up your "charlie" = My fault entirely but I have turned down 3 invitations as I can't get them done - too painful - but give me a breast exam any time.
It must be me - I would so much rather have a smear test that undiagnosed cervical cancer... I've never found it painful, just undignified. It has to be done!