Some weeks I made a lovely smoothie which I took every day. This week took a notion and made one this week and took it yesterday, today and it is nearly finished - I will get another two days out of it.
However to my astonishment - I have Divirticulitis/IBS and so therefore am crucified with diarrhoea. From I started the smoothies I have gone constipated. I am happy with that don't get me wrong. I do not eat fruit at all but seem to like it in the Smoothie. Would Smoothie help my dietary problems - would like to be a bit constipated now and again instead of running out of me at various times. Sorry to be crude about this.
Hi, I'm not too sure about smoothies. Here's how I got rid of my IBS though - you may have 'leaky gut' so try glutamine and a probiotic first thing in the morning, and try giving up dairy and wheat for a week or so and see how you feel. I also take apple cider vinegar 20 mins before meals. Intermittent fasting is also supposed to work well for IBS. Media URL: Description: