It is about my daughter who has had three lung collapses... We now have heard she is going into hospital on the 1st August to have her last! Really hopefull it will cure the problem..although I know you said it could go again maybe in about five years time.
I will keep you updated ..... just one thing please... the hospital says that she will be in hospital a few days before sending home.. Then she must take it easy and cannot drive for about four weeks.? My question is will she need to have someone with her when she comes home to look after her for the four weeks or not so long.? She has three children at home but if she needs looking after I could move in with them for a while. Thankyou Brenda xx
as with quite a lot of "Sqad what will the doctors say ... ?"
I would in fact ask the doctors ( treating your daughter )
it sounds as tho she is having a pleurodesis
and it depends on what she feels like on discharge
you might even ask her - on the day
Unlikely, as they can always get in touch with their GP. Folk are looking for information as to whether that is the best course of action first. And to ease worries until they do.
as I have said before sqad has always told us to consult our own GP if we are needing medical help straight away .! all sqad can do is give his opinion and advice .! which again I have always found really helpful ..and truthfull if asked to be so. He gives his timd to help everyone such a shame other people have to moan about him ...If you don't like what he says then DON'T ask him ....but there are so many of us that want him back on here ...please sqad we miss you!! love Brenda xxx