Since having children I have be come a very poor sleeper. It started with having to get up for twins copious amounts of time when they were babies and has just progressed from there.
So now twelve and a half years later I often don't sleep at all and can go a couple of days with just a couple of catnaps. It cantake a couple of hours to get to sleep and then wake two or three times in the night, sometimes unable to drop off again.
In the grand scheme of things this hasn't been too much of a problem. I have always got up ready to go and not been tired, can function normally and got through the days pretty much as usual.
However since I had an iron infusion at the hospital last week (15th Aug) I have been constantly tired and find it hard to get going in the morning and that is with going to bed earlier than I would normally and sleeping through.
Is it pure coincidence or would it be the iron that has made me more tired?
Just as tired as last week. In fact possibly more so. Which seems odd to me as I have at least managed to sleep through the night most nights. Only two sleepless nights in the last two weeks but tired as hell.