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Strange Recurring Spot On Roof Of My Mouth.

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RATTER15 | 16:50 Wed 31st May 2017 | Health & Fitness
9 Answers
About twice a week I get a tiny spot come up on the soft part of my pallet near my throat on the roof of my mouth., it usually goes within 24 hours and no pain associated with it, sometime I can pop it with my finger nail but it makes me gag so I don't do it often. Any idea what it could be, it's been going on for a couple of months now. It's more irritating than anything.


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Can you be more accurate.
Is it in the roof of your mouth OR is it on the soft palate (tonsil)?
Question Author
I had my tonsils out when I was 7. Well the roof of my mouth is hard, as it goes back to my throat it becomes soft. It's on the soft part.
What colour is/are the spot(s)?
Is it a spot or a patch? sounds like a simple benign big deal.
If it causes trouble see your GP and it can be excised under local anaesthesia, but it may well disappear as mysteriously as it appeared.
Ratter I have an oral check each time I visit the dentist.
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It disappears within 24 hours and then comes back a few days later.
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It's always just one single spot.
Is it like a tiny little water blister? I have occasionally have had those all of my life. I just pop it. I think it is just one of those things.
Question Author
No not Water blister, they are proper little hard spots but they will pop if I can catch it hard enough before I gag.

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