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Coronavirus, I Don't Want To Worry You, But..

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Khandro | 12:10 Wed 05th Feb 2020 | Health & Fitness
61 Answers
My son has a lot of business contacts in China & the far east & they're telling him that the Chinese are playing down the scale of the problem by a massive amount.


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No Spice, he's been giving them some stick on air for some time now, about all subjects, he as rightly said they have a duty to keep us informed.
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The word is, thousands of fatalities - but there again it might be Chinese social media conspiracy theories at work. However son suggests taking precautions, buying some masks, making sure we have plenty of supplies in.
There's no point in masks with a virus really. Better just to keep good hygiene habits, wash your hands and so on.
Never mind "don't want to worry you". This looks more suspicious by the day. The city of Wuhan where the virus outbreak began is the home of not one but two level 4 biohazard labs. In 2017 scientists from outside China warned that these labs were not secure and that a virus might escape from the the facilities. The virus itself has certain hallmarks of being engineered. Bats and snakes are used at these labs for "research". Think I will worry just a bit.
By all means worry, but I'm not sure there's any reason to go around spreading conspiracy theories.
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jim //There's no point in masks with a virus really. Better just to keep good hygiene habits, wash your hands and so on.//

The masks was my idea & he did say about washing hands which I forgot to mention.
One man's conspiracy theory is another man's due diligence.
This virus, according to....., is unlike most similar viruses in one major way. Influenza, has a short incubation period of two or three days. People can be spreading infectious virus particles before they exhibit flu symptoms, making it almost impossible to identify and isolate people who have the virus. SARS, had an incubation period of about five days, but it took four or five days after symptoms started before sick people could transmit the virus. That gave officials time to stop the virus and effectively contain the outbreak. Officials at the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that the Wuhan coronavirus has an incubation period of 2 to 14 days but can be infectious throughout the incubation period. Almost impossible to contain then?

jim //There's no point in masks with a virus really. Better just to keep good hygiene habits, wash your hands and so on.//

That is normal for China ! They are terrified of losing trade !!
That was for Retro. :))
// Not a lot we can do about it, Khandro.//
a sort of Trump answer - not alot we can do about him either
BUT of course it means that the figures given out are the absolute minimum - 500 deaths so far means 25000 cases at a 2% death rate

now n the basis thta it is quite hard to hide a dead body but much easier to hide a case - then with many more cases say 50 000 - then the mortality is piffle

the CHinese are learning a lesson we already know - that if you cover up a disease it runs riot.
with one of the index cases the chinese doctor was made to recant and admit his case report was made up to whip up public disquiet.
is the CDC page on this.
.the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that the Wuhan coronavirus has an incubation period of 2 to 14 days but can be infectious throughout the incubation period.

I cant see that on the site
I can see - " we just dont know" alot

I cant see that you can inhale coronavirus one Day and be able immediately to pass it on then
//we can't do much about it, except be vigilant//

What form would that vigilance take , apart from not travelling to China ?
Nature thins out the weak,,,, it happens that we have got very good at stopping it occurring. If it was lab created then hopefully they were not too clever at building resistance to our existing antivirals.

///What form would that vigilance take , apart from not travelling to China ? //......................................with your eyes shut.

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