What Is The Best Flea Treatment For Cats? in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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What Is The Best Flea Treatment For Cats?

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newcastle1 | 09:22 Tue 18th Aug 2020 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Just wondering what the best treatment for fleas in my cats would be?
Any recommendations or suggestions welcome!
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Personally I only get treatments recommended by my vets on prescription. I've used Advocate for some time and neither of my cats have any fleas.
I buy Ectoline at the pharmacy, we've been using it for several years and none of our cats have had fleas - so far. Its cheaper than Frontline and contains the same 'ingredients'.
Our vet prescribes Prinovox. Seems to be effective as neither of our cats have fleas.
There have been some concerns that fleas are becoming immune to the effects of Frontline (and similar treatments).

Activyl (which is only available on prescription) seems to work for my lot

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