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Tashi | 10:12 Mon 21st Sep 2020 | Health & Fitness
53 Answers
after 12 weeks off following my accident on July 1st.
Boss man came out to see me yesterday at home to make sure he was happy for me to go back, I passed.
Am doing 'phone consultations all this week, not the best as you miss body language and facial expressions, but I've done them before, I'll cope.
Came in with Nat driving my car today, it needed a run, not confidant to drive at the moment but getting there, won't be long hopefully.
On a coffee break at the moment then back to the 'phone.


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I have had to say this before regarding this subject.

I hope your day is going well Tashi.
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Thank you Spare Ed.
It'll soon feel like you've never been away,best wishes and keep up the physio.
What a shame you had to go in to work on such a lovely day. Wouldn't you rather have been at home, taking phone calls in the garden perhaps?
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Thanks LB.
Mamyalynne, that's what I worried about, regards physio, I can only wear trainers at the moment, no heels, so I bought a sexy pair of trainers off Amazon.
Tilly, in some ways yes, but I've been home long enough.
Couldn't answer you earlier Tashi, Lots of luck getting back into a routine xx
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Hi Soxxy, you need the 'back to work, week 3 thread.
arh just wishing you all the best anyway Tashi

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