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Turmeric For Knee Pain

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Khandro | 07:46 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Health & Fitness
25 Answers

The manufacturers make quite upbeat claims for their pills.

Has anyone tried them, did they work, or do they go on the shelf next to the snake oil ?



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As India has the highest rate of osteoporosis by some margin I have no faith in the benefits of tumeric.

Barry, I thought turmeric was touted as being good for joint pain - arthritis and that sort of thing.  I never heard it claimed to help bone density.

It's meant to be anti-inflammatory (among over claims) so could help depending on what is causing the pain. Maybe try it and see ?

Manufacturers claims combined with  advertising gurus spin on things?

Na, take good old fashioned opioid based drugs😏

The pain will disappear, and your dreams will be the most livid you've ever had.😇

Sleep well

I really should read my posts before sending, or turn off auto correct. I meant osteoarthritis

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I once had friends (r.i.p.) who had an advertising agency in Birmingham, and one of their clients was a firm who specialised in alternative medicine called Wileda and I remember them saying how advertising standards were very strict about what claims they could make for such products. Which makes me think there may be some truth in their ads.

Why I'm hesitant is that you are expected to take out a longish term subscription. Just wondered if anyone had tried it.


Post a link, Khandro.

Adverts are regularly banned for making false claims but many know just how far they can go without falling foul of the rules

Why do you have to take out a subscription?  Why not just buy it in a shop or on line?

I suspect the product is only sold by one company, online only

try it and see

Turmeric is a cooking spice and IS credited with the low rates of Ca colon in Asia - so save money and dump it in the food !

Rules are very strict and so if they advertise it, it must be true is the sort of logic I am used to on AB on a sunday

But turmeric health products are readily available.  I wonder why khandro is looking at one in particular? 

^that to Barry.

He likes the advert. Simple as that

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I've just found this online. It's the same product but without the subscription as advertised in a magazine I have been looking at.

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The ad. in The Spectator offers a discount for 3 months supply.

Interesting that the back of the box states the health benefits of the vitamins but not the turmeric 

If you are on any sort of blood thinners i would be a good idea to check with your Pharmacist or GP before taking.  

Blood thinners are usually considered a contra indication.

I haven't tried it.  I`d just buy one bottle and give it a go - you can get curcumin in Holland and Barrett for 20 odd quid.

Thanks for info link Barry

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