Bleeding after sex in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Bleeding after sex

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1977Nicky | 12:03 Thu 02nd Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I had a cervical examination on Tuesday where they discovered some cells were reproducing too quickly so in all liklihood I will need these removed. (see thread below).


The nurse asked me if I ever bled after sex and I said no, however last night my husband and I did the business and this morning I woke up to discover I am bleeding. I am on the pill and in the middle of a packet and this has never happened before. Do you think it has something to do with the cervical examination?

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Very possibly. I have to go for a colposcopy next Friday (sounds fun) and the leaflet from the hospital states "nothing internal for 3 weeks". If they have done anything invasive other than take a smear then I guess it is possible - it depends how much you bled and whether you need any more treatment as to whether you get further advice (and how you feel about it)

Ask them when you go back - if you are not due to go back for a while (or at all) I would give them a ring.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you but what do you mean "nothing internal for 3 weeks?" - does that mean no sex 3 weeks before the examination or 3 weeks after!? They didn't say anything to me! The bleeding hasn't stopped yet and I don't get the results of the biopsy for 4 weeks, I think I may give them a ring if it hasn't stopped tomorrow!

I once had this problem, bleeding after sex........ It was something called an Erosion on the womb....... basically a "spot" caused by been on the pill. I actually had pre cancerous cells a few years back now..... had laser treatment to get rid of it. I bled then aswell...... there are many c`auses of bleeding wothin the womb etc

If you are still bleeding then call them tomorrow.

And yes - nothing internal means no sex, no tampons, nothing! Spare a thought for me - I had uterine polyps removed early Jan (nothing internal for 3 weeks) and now have to have this colposcopy next week (nothing internal for 3 weeks). I said to my husband that after all this I will feel like a new woman! He said, funnily enough, so will he!!

Good luck - hope all is well

Nicky, Don't panic but no one should 'naturally' bleed after sex. Howeever as others have said this could be due to cervical trauma. There are various other causes that need excluding. Hopefully your recent test will do this. If you're still worried contact the clinic.
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Thanks for all the advice guys, luckily I did stop after a day so will just have to await the results of the colposcopy! Joy!

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