Effective, they have been for 7 years,.last year a sore arm that went OK in about three days. Other than that no side effects. BUT 2008 - Bloody hell. Sore arm, aching neck (same side), plus runny nose, which comes and goes. All this over the 14 days since I was jabbed. Age 74, in good health till now.
So why?
Well, one answer could be the strain used varies each year and this year three variants are needed in the vaccine according to the WHO. The other possibility is the particular type. I assumed only one formulation was used, however there are presently no less than ELEVEN branded prescriptions this year.
My research has highlighted fast, that there are instances of subjects being very seriously ill, after being jabbed with flu vaccine. Not just a few listed aches & pains either.
I'm going to try and find out whether my jab was any different than last years or previous mixes. There certainly is different 'menus' being used according to the NHS
press releases. I'd be interested in hearing from any other concerned pensioners who now appear to be worse for wear after their flu injection. Incidentally prior to my wife and I having annual jabs, she used to have heavy Flu which often dragged on from November to January - really ill . The Flu jabs have worked, but now just perhaps a cheaper supplier or variant is being used. Let's face it, to us patients, 'a flu jab is a flu jab.' NO it is NOT.