my friends little boy had this recently, and has a scar left on his forehead by it. she is worried that this may be permanent. anyone know anything about this and whether her fears are unfounded ? she is using cream from the gp but it doesnt seem to be getting better. thank you
Hi Silverdaler - I got Ringworm on my hand from rescuing hedgehogs. It actually took several layers of skin off but it did eventually heal and there is no mark there now at all. Tell your friend to keep it weel moisturised as the new skin starts growing back.
Ringworm is just athlete's foot in a different place. (It's the same fungal infection. Men also get it around their scrotum when the name changes to 'jock itch' or 'dhobi itch').
The fungus only attacks the upper layers of the skin which are either already dead or are comprised of tissue which is constantly being repaired and replaced, so there's no need to worry about scarring.