hiya lynneylou. please dont go on a diet because when you finish it all the weight will go back on! the best thing to do is eat healthy all the time, cut out most fatty foods but treat yourself with them now and again. and also exercise as much as poss. i dont mean aerobics , well atleast not straight away lol. but i mean walking more and swimming etc. if you burn more then you eat the weight will come off quicker. there are no quick fixes im afraid. if like me you are lazy lol, then maybe you can cut out things like bread because i find the wheat in it makes me look and feel really bloated! and also when you do housework like hoovering, do lunges with it every time you push the hoover forward. and if you have to take things upstairs leave some bits downstairs and take more then one trip! (just writing this makes me groan lol) but trust me after a while of doin these exercise they will become second nature and you wont even know your doin them! good luck and enjoy your holiday!