They can go on for months with me in varying degrees though you do get more used it and kinda learn to compensate after a bit especially if it's a long term thing.
There are some good things that you can take for dizziness, best to chat to your GP especially if it's really affecting you. Does it tend to be more dizziness or are you getting vertigo as well (like you're spinning)?
Not sure if tips for me would work for you as have menieres rather then labyrinthitis but find sleeping flatter rather than propped up on pillows can help your head. Put a fan on sometimes to get a nice cool breeze over my head. I've got one of those soft beanie cushions which is good and tends to keep quite cool which is nice for a bad head.
A low sodium diet is recommended for menieres, not just salt but sodium which is in all sorts, even bottled water can have quite high amounts!
When i feela bad dizzy coming on i slow right down and sit with my feet flat on the floor to feel grounded and try and concentrate on my breathing or lie down flat, try to be close to a loo incase i start being sick. I also try and avoid things like lifts and elevators and try and get somewhere quiet without lots of noise and lights and people which can make the vertigo seem worse.