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If you found out...

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Rubyrose | 12:21 Thu 19th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
that you only had a week left to live, what would you do with the rest of Today?

I know it's sad but I would probably just stay here at work! Lol. I have fun here... and then I would spend the rest of my week doing other stuff!

I was just thinking about it because I really like my job! That's quite sad isn't it!


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I'd be quite angry because it would mean that I would die one day before payday, at least give me the one week after payday as my last, then I could fritter away all my earnings on days spent in beer gardens, and perhaps a couple of horse treks.
get a loan tinyED
But you'd be dead by the time it came through....
Is everyone dying or just me?

Everyone - Start propositioning young ladies, and looting Harrods for all their best food.

Just Me - Guilt everyone I know into a week off work, and gather everyone I can together in a nice cottage somewhere for a holiday. And I would speed all the way there in the car.
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Just you.... not everyone.. as I suspect if everyone at my work knew they had a week to live, they'd go home and I'd be left on my own anyway! Lol.

I don't know what I'd do with the rest of my week really.... Just potter about I guess! Lol...

I would still go away for the weekend as planned... then come back and potter! :o)
just rob a bank then
I haven't got a balaclava and can't afford one til I'm paid
Well you'll have a pretty sh!t week then !!!!
what would you need a balaclava for????
So i don't get recognised during the robbery and thrown in the cells for my last 7 days on earth!

Your right ummmm, and so Rubyrose. in answer to your question I would probably sit at home and watch TV, maybe go for a couple of walks and eat beans on toast.
I would go and spank as many female bottoms as I can. If I commit an assault and get arrested, who cares?? I will then spank WPC's bottoms and opt for a female solicitor.

Am I a bad man?

(PS I would also set free any animal used for cosmetic testing, providing they will not disturb the present eco-system too much)

(PPS I would also buy a decent automatic weapon and hunt down known pedos, rapists and terrorists and kill them)

(PPPS, I would also, believe it or not, try heroin and/or crack. Just out of curiosity, then kill the dealer)

(PPPPS, do a few high profil bank jobs and give the money to various animal charities)

(PPPPPS, say goodbye to me m'am)
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See... no-one would bother doing anything... we'd all be laaazy! I'd eat loads of crap and cancel my gym membership...... not that there would be much point! And...... where it says 'Keep off the grass'..... I'd walk on it! Hehe.. what a devil!
I would.....I'd spend my week drinking, taking drugs and having casual sex...
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Ummm..... Just an average week to me!
i wonder in light of the recent tragedy in america, if stating a purchase of a decent automatic weapon is appropriate ?
I was wonder in light of recent foulness on AB if you should be on my hitlist, you foul piece of scotch cr4p.
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Oi... Wardy... Not in my thread.....!!!
It started, not me!!!!!.
i wonder why you feel the need to be abusive, my reply was totally unoffensive contained no animosity, i was not aware there were " hitlists " on this site.
be assured ruby, i will not be ruining your good question,

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