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Baby Jane | 15:11 Thu 10th May 2007 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
tried Adios slimming tablets, do they work?

thanks in advance
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No they don't work. If they did it would be a miracle cure for obesity and prescribed on the NHS.
Well I have been taking them for the last 6 weeks, more for fluid retention than anything, but I have also been on a healthy eating plan as well and I have lost 17 lb.
I took them once, felt like a shrivelled prune. They just dehydrate you
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Ethel,thanks for your reply and Im sure your right in what you say.
jellybrain, had to laugh at your "shrivelled prune" not sure I fancy that!!

Hi PinkFizz.
Thats brilliant,well done (with a little bit of envy ha ha )
Maybe it was your diet alone that did it, and your will power.

lol xxx
Hi, I've taken these before for a few months & they didn't make a difference at all, i was on a diet at the same time & i lost just as much with or without them. I wouldn't bother wasting your money on them

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