I've burnt my face while trying to straighten my hair with my iron and brown paper .The wound is about 3 inches in diameter but isn't deep at all and hasn't blistered or broken the skin.The skin is very red and is stinging.Do I actually need to go to hospital with a burn like this or is it sufficient to just put a bag of frozen peas on it?
Asking only workman's wages
I come looking for a job,
But I get no offers.
Just a come-on from the ******
On Seventh Avenue
I do declare,
There were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there.
ice only helps within the first few seconds and generally prevents blistering, try a product called prep cream, it contains:
Borax, Menthol, Thymol, Camphor, Clove oil and Phenol
it's generally used after shaving as a soothing agent, but is brilliant for burns as well, if you don't have that, clean the burn and just use vaseline (parafine based, not that cream stuff)