Medical Advice
I am looking for some advice....
I have a problem, that I have seen my doctor about. But up until now, I have not had any treatment that have worked.
I am due to go back to the doctors next week, to raise a couple of issues,
I just wondered if anyone on list can suggest what maybe the problem.
Firstly I am quite a big girl, and I have been unable to loose any weight. I just seem to be gaining it, and fast. I eat quite healthy, and I am really quite active. I am constantly tired and could quite easily sleep 12/13 hours every night. I have missed periods loads, no I'm not pregnant, infact I have only had 2 this year.
Just lately, I feel like I am becoming more and more depressed, crying at anything.
I have recently have had problems with my back, and severe lower back pain. And pain in my very large breasts, I also have ??spots?? on them, that turn yellow and puss comes out, and then they bleed and scar. My breast look awful, covered in scars.
The doctors, thought that the missed periods, and tiredness was PCOS, but test have concluded that its not that. I have had diabetes tests and again, its not that.
If anyone can think of what it could be, please let me know... I feel like I want to research more, before I go back to the doc's as they have been so rubbish!