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BC Pills..

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kyra16 | 15:09 Wed 26th Sep 2007 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
hey ladies,
i started new birth control pills...what i can't remember for the life of me is how long you need to take them before you're ok to not do the 'pull out n pray' method
lol seriously it one month and then you should be fine?


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yeah wait 1 month and it should be ok.......
there should be a leaflet in the pack read that as it may vary between different ones and you may end up getting the wrong advise if you just follow the first answer you get on here :-)
sorry eyebrows our posts overlapped that was not aimed at your "first post" :-)
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eyebrows; thnx thats what i thought too

lorri; you're rite, i'm gonna wait a lil n c what others say too; wanna be sure. and i did read the leaflet but it doesn't say...go figure (they're pills i got sent here to me in the US from romania)
Do you mean they weren't prescribed to you by a doctor??? isn't that a bit dodgy?
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pasta: i've been on em for years, my new insurance won't cover bc pills though so instead of paying 50$ a month i get a yrs worth for half that from back home. so yea i've been prescribed em (sorta) lol

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BC Pills..

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