OK, here goes
Be warned that the toe eminates a lot of blood.
Firstly they make your toe number by injecting lignocaine (the same stuff they use at the dentist) around the base of you toe where it meets your foot. Once numb they put a rubber band around your toe, honestly, to stem the blood flow. Then they literally slice some of the nail away. As mine was done under a general, this is what my GP told me before I had a panic attack in his surgery and he said he would send me to the hospital. It takes about 20 minutes once numb and I know quite a few people who have had it done at their GP's - one had both big toes done at the same time.
I actually had my wedge removed down to the root of the nail which involves cutting down the toe and then stitches afterwards but this is possibly a better option as my nail has grown back normally. Wedge removals can grow back ingrowing, especially if you wear shoes too quickly so, if she can bear it in the cold weather, tell your daughter to wear sandals for as long a spossible.
Until removal she can use natural antiseptic such as tea tree or lavneder oil. She can apply it neat but be careful, any open wounds and it will sting. I know she will feel dafte wearing sandals in the wet weather but it really is the best idea. Get as much air to it as possible.
I waited less than 6 months for my hospital appointment to come through. Although there are no implications using lignocaine when pregnant they may wait for her to have the bab y before removal; more for her comfort than anything else. they won't of course give a general for an ingrowing nail when pregnant