I had tubes implanted a while ago for another problem. Now it seems I have some wax buildup which is also attaching to the tubes. My doc told me to use oil to soften the wax. I did this but it seems the oil and the wax is not coming out. Feels like a gallon of fluid in my ear! Any suggestions? My next doc appointment is not for another 3 weeks!
Kentucky, are you in the UK or stateside? You can use hydrogen peroxide on a cotton bud to loosen the build up. However, not being a physician, I'm concerned to suggest this as I'm not sure to what degree you're tubes were placed. Perhaps it would be best for you to give your doctor a call in the morning and ask. Nevertheless, for cleaning, I've used for my children a 3percent HP solution.
Have you tried heat? as in eg. a warm cloth at your ear to maybe loosen the wax? I think the doc will have to see you sooner if its all clogged, he can use warm water to clear your ears.
you can buy a salt solution over the counter ,i use clear ear cleaning spray ,ask my doc about it and he said its fine , its just salt water, cotten buds are bad
Thank you all for your answers. Unfortunately, peroxide will not help since the tubes are placed too far into my eustacian tube. I have been told NEVER to use cotton swabs since that would only impact the wax more. I will try heat though. That seems logical. I will also try calling my doc for a closer appointment time. Thanks again. Love to all. KentuckyGirl :)