I had a GB and STILL have to liquidise food. - Any type of food that is - and even THAT IS BORING (and was after a couple of days - let alone a week and the same taste!)
Who the heck would WANT to eat apples for a week ! You would probably get so bored that you wouldnt want to eat them and if there was no other choice then you would not eat at all.
THEN you would put back on the weight you had lost when you started eating properly again.
It is a mad world because in some countries, millions of people go to bed hungry every night and many cant get enough food to keep themselves alive yet in other parts of the world, our food supply is so excessive that manufacturers use vast qualntities of the worlds energy resources producing foods with few kilojoules. Their ultimate goal being to sell highly profitable puffed up products made of artificial ingredients so tthat people can eat as much as they like without gaining an ounce. The irony is that the more of these products sold, the fatter the population becomes.
I am not saying this about apples, but just that if you eat healthy, non manufactured foods, i.e. foods made from scratch, you will be following a healthy diet not based on fads of the moment.
katie. x