My hubby is really struggling with trapped wind. He keeps trying to burp to bring it up but he can't shift it at all. Any suggestions on how to shift it would be gratefully received. Thanks
This is an uncomfortable problem - I was having the same trouble at the weeken. I usually drink something very fizzy which helps - I used to use Andrews. I now tend to drink Lucozade which makes me burp!
If you don't have any Andrews, mix a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda with 3 tbsp of warm water and get him to down it rapido.... (ie just knock it back - don't tell him it will taste horrible lol).. hopefully this will result in a very large, automatic burp in a few minutes to relieve the pain !
Thanks for your advice jugglering. He has downed some fizzy lemonade, but no joy yet, so I'll have a look in the cupboard for bicarb. Velvetlady, he doesn't really drink, but the second part of yout suggestion he never seems to have a pblem with lol.
My mom used to have the same problem. She was given an exercise to do which (as far as I know) worked. You need to lie on your back, draw both of your knees up so your feet rest flat on the floor, and then twist your hips and legs to the left (keeping knees together) until the side of your leg touches the floor, then do the same towards the other side.
If you can get your hands on a gym ball, get him to lie on his tummy on it and roll it gently back and forward on the floor with his hands! If you don't have a gym ball, try piling cushions up on the floor and lying his tummy on them to move the wind along
Years ago when I had a hysterectomy the worst part was having trapped wind. A very common thing after hysterectomies apparently. The woman in the next bed offered me some real peppermints. They were brilliant. After about two hours it was all gone. Someone had given her the tip so she came prepared. I think they were from Thorntons. They really did work.
Hi jugglering. The fizzy drink didn't work at all. If anything, it made it worse :-( He lay on his stomach on the living room floor, but he found it a bit too uncofortable. He headed to bed and I went up and told him about the suggestion from clairelouise. He gave it a go, and lo and behold it worked! after a few good burps he slept like a baby lol. Thanks to you all for your great suggestions.