Does anyone know what the recipe or ingredients are that you use with cider vinegar for detoxing? I was advised to use cider vinegar to help kidney, liver etc but the Vinegar book doesnt tell you what to mix it with. x
Hi, feret. My boyfriend takes cider vinegar daily. He says it really helps his psoriasis (and reckons he's never felt so good(!)). Anyway, he takes a tablespoon a day in a pint of water with a bit of honey. Apparently you can also add a bit to your bath water for your skin, too.
thanks whiskeysheri, that really helps, ive wanted to try it for a while but couldnt get any definitive answer from the chemist etc.. even though they sold the vinegar. I to have a skin complaint , fortunately its not as bad as psoriasis but enough for us ladies to be embarrassed by it so maybe kill two birds with one stone, thanks again, good luck to yur man. x
I tried the vinegar for detoxing and didn't notice a big difference. I have suffered from numerous things and was told about this website and went on and I tried a few different things and seem to feel better. There is a lot of information on all the products and they are all natural. They have some great anti-oxident products for detoxing. Take a look.