my grand daughter has red rash around vagina and surrounding area. hot and sore. also sore mouth and left ear. feels hot - temp. whingeing allt the time. can't find anything on the net. any ideas?
You don't describe the "rash" as ulcers around the vagina and mouth and do not say how old she is or if she is of mediteranion origin or caucasian. Could well be a viral thing (erythema nodosum) but it could be Behcet's Syndrome. Google both and might give you a better appraisal than mine.
Still awaiting your reply. If we are dealing with ulceration then I cannot agree with Ethel, but if we are just dealing with a rash then Ethel is almost certainly correct.
went to go to doc. seems she has a viral condition plus both ears infected plus sore throat plus fungal infection down below. temp was 38.1. took urine sample - loads of gunk in there. saw paediatrician and doctor. got brufen, paracetamol and cream. hope it goes soon. it came on really fast - 36 - 48 hours. she looks awful which isn't surprising. anyway, thanks for your input - appreciated.