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any advice

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lynneylou | 12:42 Thu 17th Jul 2008 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
Hi there

i wrote about my eye prob the other day, ive been on and googled and think ive found the problem Recurrent cornea erosion along with photophobia and blepharospam, any knowledge of this condition. today every time i blink it feels like i have an eye lash stuck up the top eye lid!!! so annoying. dont know if optrex will help anymore altho it states that lubrication is needed???


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See your GP and/or optician.

That is what they are there for.
I totally agree with Ethel, eyes are too precious to put at risk. Don't put anything in until you have seen someone as your internet diagnosis could be wrong. I think you have waited too long already. Good luck.

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