Periods in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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roosi | 07:25 Mon 28th Jul 2008 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I took a double pack of my contraceptive pill to go on holiday after getting the go-ahead my doctor (as I have only been taking for around a yr). During taking the double pack I got quite heavy bleeding in between, I was told by the doc that I may suffer "spot" bleeding, but this was heavier than that. I have now stopped taking the pill for my usual 7 day break, and have not yet had a period. Normally they are like clockwork on this (or any other pill). As it's been 4 days now since I stopped taking it, I would have expected something by now. I am now concerned I may be pregnant. I will probably do a test anyway but wondered if this had happened to anyone else, and also if there is a chance I could be (has anyone else experienced) this from taking 2 packs of pills??? It maybe causes a delayed reaction, and maybe I should just give my body a break and it will fall back into a regular pattern again thereafter???

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ive heard that talking 2 packs one after the other can make your bleed heavier but im not sure about later.

Id say take a test anyway and continue to do so every few days until you get result or your period arrives.

Its best to know asap so that you can stop taking the pill if you are pregnant.

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Thanks red, I heard from my doctor that you are said to be up to twice as covered if you take two packs too....I know nothing is certain, but as I haven't had my "usual" bleed at the end of the packs, I feel that I shouldn't have bled AT ALL through the packs and especially not that heavy. It certainly wasn't what the doctot called "spot bleeding" it was like a full blown heavier than usual period.
Twice as covered? not so sure about that really.

Bleeding in the middle, chances are you wouldnt be pregnant but it may just keep your mid settled until it does arrive. You can buy very cheap (but still work) ones from places like savers or superdrug.

good luck

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