Just over a ear ago, my elderly mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She had the Tumour removed, along with one of her Lymph Nodes and was put on a Breast Cancer drug. She was deemed too frail to undergo Radiotherapy or Chemo.
Last month, she had her follow Mammogram, unfortunately, I was working that day, so was unable to attend the appointment with her. Anyway, she has now received a letter to see the consultant for next Thursday. Could this appointment just be routine, or did they perhaps find more cancer?
Would like to reply velvetee, but have been taken to task many times on the insensitivity of my answers. So will desist leaving others better qualified to reply.
sorry to hear about your worries, velvetee. Its hard to say.
When my mum got cancer for a second time, they did all the usual tests and made her report back to the hospital for her results - getting them over the phone was not an option. I imagine a lot of places won't give out test results nowadays due to concerns about data protection and the like. it could honestly go either way. I hope she will be ok.