Hi Missj189,
'Depression' is a word I absolutely hate. So before you start on the addictive, side effect causing drug route that will no doubt be given, have you looked closely at what may be the cause of your crying and feeling so down?
Could it be basic stuff like hormones still fighting, how old are you?
When you see the doc ask to be referred to a counsellor firstly (they do CBT, which is How you think about yourself, the world and other people and How what you do affects your thoughts and feelings.) before the anti D's or even given the samaritans a call whilst you're waiting? they're pretty good at listening when your having a down moment.
Guys don't usually want to deal with us womens ups and downs because it's hard for them to understand. We are such complex creatures hon.... (my other half is, however, regularly put through said mill)....
This is CBT:
http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinfo/trea tments/cbt.aspx
Good Luck.