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smear tests

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pusskin | 14:25 Fri 20th Mar 2009 | Health & Fitness
48 Answers

Has any one ever had trouble having a smeat test?

I had mine yesterday, and after 6--7 attempts, she finally took a swab!!

Has it ever happened to you ?

What do you think went wrong ?


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No probs. They had to use loads of lubricant on That was the 1st time I've ever had trouble having a smear.
pusskin...never heard of "bent cervix" so I am not sure if Google is going to come up with an answer...BUT

Normal cevix goes downwards and forwards...easy to feel.
Some go downwards and backwards......difficult to feel.

Not always, but these often go with an anteverted or retroverted uterus (Google those)
Mine is bent as in tilted the wrong way if you get my gist sqad. The doc did a rough sketch for me.
I would recommend going to a Women's clinic where they do smear tests all the time, cos they really know their stuff.
Nurses have had trouble in the past doing a smear test on me, as apparently my cervix isn't in exactly the same place as everybody else's. The nurse at the women's clinic explained to me, that it's because I've got proportionally longer legs, so that slightly affects the position of the cervix which makes it difficult to find for a not properly trained nurse.
Do you have long legs for your height?
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hi squad -- chinadog.

lubricants might have helped in some way at the beginning of the smear, but maybe not, as its seemd ok.

in 1980, and 1981, i had 2 ops for abnormal smears,
had regular smears for months and years after that,
never any problems finding my cervix, none at all. and abnormal cells never came back .

oh well -- better luck next time ay.
china......have got your gist.......sorry about the tilt :-)
yes,the last time I went I had trouble.........she tried 3 times..........inthe end had to lie on my left side,legs bent and in the air!..........most undignified.
Nurse said I had a dropped womb I had not had any trouble before I asked her if this could have happened recently........she could not answer me.
i too had the John Wayne walk..............good luck with your result xx
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hi notafish , I am long and streaky !! long legs .

i'm 5ft 7" tall

It could be that then.
I'm not particularly tall, 5ft 4in, but I've just got long legs.
I wouldn't go back to the same person for the next test, if I were you, it's uncomfortable enough as it is, without someone prolonging the agony.
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when the senior nurse rings me on monday, I will ask if i can go to a local clinic. good advice , thank you.
its so ambarrasing, but its nothing to them nurses is it.
women should be used to it after child birth, having our kiddies.
ha ha x
puss, I had the smear as I was having vaginal bleeding. Im post menopausal an old Even the consultants at the gyno dept had trouble finding my cervix. I was used to the prodding and poking by then. I had a laparoscope ,turned out it was polyps causing the bleeding. Just an overnight stay in hospital to have them removed and Thank God all clear. Have you googled yet?
I've had similar problems, apparantly my Cervix tilts, so it's not easy to get to it. Hope this doesn't cause problems with me giving birth.
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will quickly google now, and see what it says.

was just nodding off there , thanks for waking me up chinadog x it won't.

Little story nothing to do with this thread...LOL

Medical students were asked to describe the anatomy of the vagina in a wriiten exam.
All the female students said it went downwards and forwards.
All the male students said it went upwards and backwards.

Just a little story.
Oh what we women go I had 3 c/sections velvetee. After having one normal birth give me the section anytime. Im past all that now..(groan).
Hi -

Had my first smear at 21....Result: Borderline changes, come back in 6 months.

6 months later - Need colposcopy now!

If you've had treatment at colposcopy clinic, you have to have smear every year for 10 years. I should have had my last, last July but only got round to it a few weeks ago. Result: All clear. I will now only have to go every 2 years or so. Thank god, because the one I had 2 weeks ago was horrendous! The nurse said to me, "Oh dear, your uterus is tilted backwards - let me just see if I can drag it back into line!"

I'll leave you to imagine how that felt! :-(
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fancy a nurse saying that !! to you No Mercy --
that would have put put fear into me.

squad -- you sound like you have a good tale to tell , I wonder what it is ?

Have to cook dinner now, so hope to get back to all later.

shame to have to cook -- would rather carry on talking to you lovely people xx pusskins
I once had a bad time getting a smear test. The nurse couldn't find my cervix and she had hurt me. Then I tensed up and things just got worse. The doctor ended up having a try and had to give up.

It was uncomfortable but when I had to go for a wee it felt like the wee was acid. One of them must have cut or nicked me.

I got sent to the colposcopy clinic for them to try and it was quick and painless.
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thank you all.

Theirs some really horrible experiences on smear tests.
But must not put any one off, as were all different, and as I said before, I've been fine for years .
Just a shame that some of us have had a few problems.
Weighing it all up -- I'd rather have the smear and know that everything is fine.
"good health to you all "
will look up google wen I get a minute.

wishing you all well xx pusskins
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quad -- had to laugh again, reading the desription of the students about cervix's.

female-- downwards, forwards, --

male -- upwards, backwards-- ha ha ha.

why are women so complicated ? x

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