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heart fitness

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bigshaq1976 | 08:40 Tue 23rd Jun 2009 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
how do i keep my heart very strong


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run forest .... run
or at a pinch walk .... briskly - with at least 1 hill (or long stairs)

distance is the trick - get it up ... and keep it up for 20-40 mins a day - more if you can

but do it outside - not pilates or any of the other fads

it's good for your head as well
on it's own - It won't stop you having a heart attack though - it should make it much less likely - but if you have a family tendency, eat badly smoke etc ....
Any kind of Cardiovascular Exercise, which you should participate in 3-4 times per week, for 20-30 minutes continuously. Your Heartrate needs to get to at least 65% of your maximum capacity.

Eating less saturated fats is important too, to prevent Arteries clogging up. Eat oily fish about 3 times per week or take Cod Liver Oil supplements daily, reuduce Alcohol intake and don't smoke.

If you do these things, then you have a pretty good chance of maintaining a healthy heart for life, providing you have no congenital defects in the first place.

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