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Started running but put on weight?

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sam100 | 00:26 Fri 24th Jul 2009 | Health & Fitness
12 Answers
Hi All?

Four months ago i gave up smoking and started to put on a bit o weight so i went out and purchased a treadmill.

I've been running 30-45 minutes a day 6 days a week for the last fortnight but today i jumped on the scales in Boots while i was killing time and i have put on 3ibs!

I've Googled the situation and a lot of people seem to say they put on weight when they start running. The solutions though seem to be varied ranging from it being increased muscle weight, overeating, water retention bla, bla, bla.

I dont think i am eating more than usual as i'm not a big eater. I dont smoke, drink coffee or tea, drink 1.5 litres of water a day, hardly touch booze apart from one glass of red wine a week but i am overweight.

Any suggestions as to what would be a good direction to head in? Should i start doing some hand weights while running? Do i need to run for longer? Be more patient? Choose another form of excercise?


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Muscle weighs more than fat and if you're doing as much as you say you are then you've more than likely developed some good muscles and it's probably just that simple.

Don't get hung up on weight, Brad Pitt was classed as obese when he did the film Troy. I have no idea what I weight, i go by how my clothes feel, eat a balanced diet and I exercise. If you're really worried, talk to a nutrionist or ask for a consult with a trainer at a gym but as I said, the actual weight is the last thing I worry about.
Take measurements of your thigh,waist,hips and chest.Then do the same again after a week and so on.You may find that you are putting on weight but loosing inches.
I agree with both the above. Also, when you weigh yourself you should always weigh at the same time of day on the same scales so you can really tell.
and make sure you have a wee-wee first.
Take the boots off, they can weigh quite a bit.
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Thanks everyone! I shall perservere.

Just dissapointed as to why the weight gain- not good for the motivation.

and trust me - i'd take my earings off if it meant the scales came back wih a lower number :) every little helps.
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The scales in Boots will be balance scales, more accurate than strain guage bathroom scales, have you also weighed yourself on the original scales toi verify? I know for example my bathroom scales are miles under, compared to balance scales.

Question Author
The original scales were in Boots to- it seems they have a new set. I'm hoping the scales were wrong as they have a height mesuring thing on them which said i was 2ft shorter than i actually am! Heres hoping!

I was just never sure as to whether the muscle ways more than fat thing was true.

Apparently running/power walking is the best for all round excercise so hopefully its a good move. Thinkiing about buying a rowing machine though for upper body.
My husband and I are both runners. I am slim but my husband has his ups and downs. His physician suggested Reductil to help melt off the extra weight. It worked! Below is the site he uses.
I suspect the post by missjane for Reductil is an advert ealth-and-Fitness/Question789335.html

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Started running but put on weight?

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