Diclofenac .That's it daffy .Dreadful stuff .I'm convinced that's what what caused the IBS I now suffer from periodocally. I also had problems when taking them with dreadful heartburn etc .I'm also convinced that some of these drugs do more harm than good hence I go down another route .
I had cortisone for my elbow years ago Craft but it still flares up and I get a bursa come up on it from time to time .Last time it was really inflamed so they took a needle to it and drew the fluid off .Touch wood it's been OK since .
Anyway peri I use a gel called Pferdesalbe which I get from Germany but you can buy it here now .It's not a cure ,there is no cure ,but it cools that horrible hot inflamed feeling .It doesn't smell unpleasant and is non greasy .Unlike some of 'em the smell of which used to follow you down the street :)
You can buy it here