Foot arch support in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Foot arch support

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SazzyC0 | 22:32 Wed 24th Feb 2010 | Health & Fitness
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I went to see my GP a couple of weeks ago due to foot pain in my right foot, along where my arch is. He said I have very high arches and 'fashion shoes' are probably the cause (I wear flat shoes pretty much all the time as I am about 6ft, so dont need heels). These do not provide adequate support for my arch and he mentioned something called an instep?? I have looked everwhere for these things, maybe like an insole but with the support just for the arch, does anyone have any ideas as I am still in pain sometimes. I have bought some nice comfy shoes but still feel I need extra support. TIA.
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Bit of an odd one this, Sazzy. I have seen a few people with special inserts in their shoes (I work in a sports shop - sometimes on the running section) but they've been seen by an orthopedic specialist. However, I think these inserts help with collapsed arches, rather than a high arch like you have. You might need to get your doc to refer you and get some proper advice. They should take a mould of your feet and then build up the insert accordingly. Be prepared for the cost though.

Have you considered a decent running shoe as an alternative? A high arch would mean you can wear a cushioned, neutral shoe

Alternatively, there's products such as this

( Have a go at the "Wet foot test" at home and compare your results against this
http://www.runnersworld.ltd.uk/foottype.htm )

Hope this has helped a little.

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