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what to do???? girl i like moving away

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sherminator | 10:35 Tue 04th May 2010 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
So have just started seeing a girl and we really like each other...

in 2 months she is going home and will be 350 miles away!

its such a weird feeling because we both agreed we would be going out right now if she wasnt moving away. i said last night "i would have asked you out if you werent going away"

to which she replied "I would have said yes" it was really sweet but also quite sad in that we know its gonna end soon.

what do i do now just enjoy the time we have? or do I try move on already?
any advice would be much appreciated!


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Have fun with the time you have left, enjoy it, and part on good terms
How old are you?
I don't think you need advice here, you know what to do your head is saying one thing and your heart is telling you another, your head should win. Its sad that you even have to decide but life is cruel sometimes.
Good luck to you both.
If you are serious, distance means nothing. I met my future wife when she was on holiday and after a month she returned home, 700 miles away. Afterwards we met only at easter, summer hilidays and Christmas, and three years later we were married.
^^^sweet :-)
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im 27 and thanks guys it is a case of head and heart..... I know what will win!

im just thinking do i stop it now and it should be easier to say goodbye. Or do I keep going and enjoy the time we have but face a more difficult goodbye?
Keep going mate.
Keep in contact after she has gone away.........feel the water so to speak.
Keep an open mind about moving on.e.g if anything comes along take it (her..sorry!)
Question Author
And Cheers Jem that was really sweet what you said!
Mate get in there. Have some fun, get up to your nuts in her guts and enjoy.
350 miles isn't that far away if you did it once a month
Keep going, Shermi. No one knows what the future holds, and life has a way of working things out. If it proves too difficult to continue to see her, you will eventually part naturally. (I speak from experience - I had a very long term relationship with a Norwegian. It ended eventually - but it was fun whilst it lasted!). Good luck. x
Hey! Hang on a minute! I've just realised you're two-timing me - again!! Rat!! :o)
"get up to your nuts in her guts" ??

bob ... purleeeeez !!

Have a little decorum.
My BF lives in Switzerland.

He didn't move away. He lived there when I met him.

If you want it to work, you'll find a way.
"get up to your nuts in her guts"

Yep thanks for that mental image!
Question Author
Sorry Naomi was kinda 'hedging my bets' with you!!!! :-)

and thanks for the advice! Just not sure at all what will happen. its like you tell each other you like each other and then that should be an awesome moment but straight away there was this big black cloud in the backround.
Sorry folks, maybe I could have described the intimate act of love making with bit moe senstivity.

How about 'making the beast with two backs' or 'bedroom gymnastics'?

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what to do???? girl i like moving away

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