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I am very concerned and worried...

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Bobbisox | 08:20 Wed 12th May 2010 | Health & Fitness
50 Answers
My son in law was told he had a severe muscle spasm in his neck and we put it down to the job he does as a painter and decorator, he was prescribed a cocktail of tablets to take and had to go back yesterday, the pain had came back, so they inserted a camera through his nose to investigate, they have told him he has a 'lump' on the muscle and will have to see a surgeon which he isn't able to do until his GP recommends this, he has gone there today to see the GP, I am sooo worried and have hardly slept


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you have hit the nail spot on yinyang, I feel awful because Bill in his infinite wisdom, told my son in law of my worry, thought he was doing the right thing...arghhh!
my s.i.l phoned a half an hr ago to say "Look , we can't speculate till I get this sorted" and told me in a lovely way, not to worry so much
And I am just the same as you Bobbi and Yingyang. A real worrier and I make myself ill (usually for nothing) I have too active an imagination and seem to look on the black side of things. Mr LL is just like Bill, he can't see why I worry before I know I have something to worry about. The fact is when real problems arise I am the best at coping!!

Just adding my best wishes that everything turns out OK Bobbi. And it's no bad thing to air your worries on here. Go out for a good brisk walk, it really does help to do something energetic in the fresh air. I am worrying about something at the moment and the garden and walking the dog is keeping me sane and balanced (well as sane and balanced as is possible for someone as daft as me)

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thanks LL, this means a lot, like you, in times of a big crisis, I am the one to cope...odd eh?
Glad I'm not the only one that does this - makes me feel a little more sane : )

The plus side is that things are very rarely as bad as the scenario that I've already played out to the bitter end in my head. But like you two when the proverbial does hit the fan I become remarkably calm and keep everybody else together.
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I am always a happy upbeat kinda person but this type of thing makes me a unhappy negative person, two extremes isn't?
Maybe we're all bi -polar..

I'm having a sensible discussion here and discussing peeing in a pot over on CB so split personality is an option worth considering!
Bobbi I am just the same. As because I generally present a happy,confident exterior, people just don't realise what the real me is like. I can wear myself out with worry and it's usually not been worth it. As Yingyang says the reality is 99% better than what I have conjured up in my mind is going to be the outcome.

Yes, we must all be bi-polar!! I just feel sorry for our OH's having to live with us!!
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but how many admit to it eh?
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sqad I hope you see this, I don't want to put a FAO sqad,
my son in law has to have a scan next week the tumour is on the muscle that goes from below the ear to the neck, my daughter rang the Nuffield to go private and he could have had the assessment on Friday but they use the Freeman Hospital for their scans and that would not be till next Wednesday, my daughter is beside herself with worry and has been here with me this afternoon, having left work, I feel totally helpless, I know you can't second guess the outcome, but I felt somewhat uplifted by your response earlier
Thanks Bobbi
Bobbi.....NO BIG DEAL.

Sound like a Sternomastoid Tumour........totally non malignant.

Google it.
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thanks sqad I will
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sqad I have done that and it is an infancy thing but I do appreciate you taking the time to answer me

Bobbi...I am back away. I posted some questions, but they seem to have disappeared.
Bobbi, do hope all is sorted soon, we do worry for the world don`t we.? Sqads responses seem very encouraging. Take care. ♥ it is NOT just in infancy.
Bobbs - just seen this.

Chin up girl, hope goes well- keep us informed?

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I have just spoken to my daughter after googling it, she knows the term , probably through being a Dental nurse and having to learn about the facial and neck bones...
Have misread it, most of them say it is prevalent in newborns?
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cheers BOO, angel and Mrs c but I feel very helpless at the moment, trying to find the right words to comfort her isn't easy
Bobbi...I don't care what they also occurs in adults.
You haven't answered my questions so I will repeat them.

Has he had any difficulty in swallowing?
Has he had any earache?
Has his voice changed?
Does he drink or smoke or both?

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