its not an irritating cough but ive now had this cough about 6 weeks now,ive been through 2 bottles of covonia to no avail.because my job involves alot of dust im starting to get a bit worried.
There is a cold going round just now which seems to have a lingering cough. Everyone I know who got the cold still has the cough weeks and weeks later. I'd wear a mask at work though - just to be on the safe side.
Wear a mask at work and find out the extent to which your employers are liable if they don't help you. Take antioxidants as the dust you're inhaling may be potentially carcinogenic, let alone give you a cough. Antioxidants help to repair damaged cells and remove foreign bodies from the system.
visit your GP. Any cough, no matter what you may *think* is causing it, should be left unchecked for that long
Cough medicines will not work, they are little more than placebos unless you buy an OTC one and then it *may* help you sleep if you are suseptible to the ingrediient that makes you drowsy. Still at least Convonia tastes OK