I find it depends on who does it.
I've had two done on different lumps. The first by a breast surgeon themselves which was quite rough and very uncomfortable, though probably more because I didn't know what I was expecting.
The second was done by the radiographer while she was doing my scan. She was lovely, even remembered me from having my other one even though it was over a year since that one.
She did it a lot smoother and it was nowhere near as uncomfortable though she did have the benefit of being able to see where she was going on the scan.
It was a normal ultrasound I think, apparantly they tend to do that for younger girls as their breasts are denser or something like that.
I guess it might make a difference whereabouts it is, how easy to get to and such. I have quite large boobs so I guess they had a lot farther to go in to get to mine.
Again the results took different times. The first time it was about a week, the second time they said to stick around and go back in a few hours and I got the results then and there.
Everyone was fantastic both times, the nurses, breast surgeons, radiographer, it made a big difference at some very worrying times.
Both were fine, as is the usual case, they were both harmless fibrous adenomas.