toothache question in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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toothache question

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grumpee | 19:04 Wed 09th Jun 2010 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
Can anybody help me. I had root canal treatment years ago on one of my teeth and a stent was put in as I was told through time I would need a crown. I thought with the nerve being removed I would have no more pain and until today have not had any more pain. My tooth today has been painful and I wanted some help from you on here before I call the dentist as I feel a bit stupid saying I have pain in a tooth without a nerve.

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No nerve, then no pain.
The pain may well be "referred" from the adjacent tooth.
Ibuprofen 600mgms and a visit to the dentist should do the trick.
Don't feel stupid!
It's quite a common scenario to have pain from a tooth that has had prior root canal treatment. The pain can arise from inflammation in the periodontal ligament that surrounds the tooth, and this gives the impression that the pain is coming from the tooth itself.
As Sqad suggested, a visit to your dentist is in order. Once you have been examined and a diagnosis reached, suitable treatment can then be commenced. There are many possibilties for the cause of your pain, so would not like to speculate at present.
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Thank you both for this advice - I'll make an appointment for my dentist and take it from there

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