I was reading what one ABer said, "don't press on lymph nodes". Does that mean that massages are not good for because often time masseurs do a lot of pressing/massaging on the lymph node area. I though it would be good to stimulate lymph nodes to help with circulation?.
Interesting question...... wish I had an interesting answer.
There is no benefit in massaging normal healthy lymph nodes except to the bank balance of the masseur/masseuse.
Hoewever, suppose, just suppose that that lymph node had cancerous cells and that the massaging would "squeeze" those cells into the circulation spreading them throughout the body.....spreading the cancer..............just suppose.
Which is why any good alternative practitioner takes a very detailed history....a friend who teaches massage and aromatherapy won't do anything other than very superficial treatments on cancer patients or on anyone with enlarged nodes for that reason....Neither will he do deep reflexology treatments because of the stimulant effects...
I think any really good and qualified practitioner will, as Rowan says, be very cautious and also refer their clients to their GP if they have any suspicions. I doubt whether most masseurs in beauty salons (and elsewhere!!) would be as careful.