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Partners Symptoms

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cymruambyth1 | 10:30 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers

I am starting to get my worried about my partner and like a lot of men, he doesnt want to go to the doctor.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms. He has a headache every couple of days, which isnt severe but he has never had headaches before, quite often when he gets in the car (no matter what speed I am going) he gets really dizzy and I have to stop the car, he is a lot moodier than he use to be.

Now my brother has a brain tumour so I am well aware of the symptoms and I am starting to freak myself out that my partner has the same thing!

I thought it may possibly be high/low blood pressure but my partner is only 25 and is definately not over weight. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks xx


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Yes I have a sounds like a typical anxiety state.

He need to see his GP.
Question Author
I have previously had anxiety and I did think it may be that, but nothing has happened to bring it on.

I was just worried about the headaches.

Thanks for the answer
Does your partner get on with your brother?
I agree with the above responses - possibly what he is getting is migraine related too.
Question Author
Yes my partner does get on with my brother...but my brothers fiancee recently left him 3 weeks before the wedding - so no the best person to talk to.

My partner has never had headaches before, and the dizziness has only recently started and it's never in the house, it's always after we have been in a rush or something.
Has he had any illnesses recently?

My stepson's diabetes had similar symptoms before diagnosis and followed on from a simple cold.
well until your bloke goes to doctors he will never know. No-one on here can say what it is. He needs to go, Dont make him any tea till he does
Mr mac has similar feelings of dizziness and visual migraines and headaches. They are all caused by low blood pressure. Although he's older he's not overweight at all - under in fact, and his bp problems are caused by other health issues. Here's a link to some causes for low bp, see if anything fits - but get him to see his gp!
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Thanks for all the answers. He is going to the docs this week or next - whenever he can get there. Our doctors have a stupid system where you have to ring at half 8 in the morning to get an appointment on that day - they will not pre book appointments!

Might be low bp or anxiety about your driving(no offence intended) is he OK when he's driving?

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